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한글 제품명 감마 E 믹스드 토코페놀 & 토코트리에놀, 60 소프트젤 영문 제품명 Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienols, 60 Softgels 용량/수량 60 softgels 제조사 [Life Extension] 라이프 익스텐션 섭취방법 식사와 함께 1일 2정씩 섭취하십시오. 주의사항 의약품이 아닌 건강식품입니다. 의사의 처방을 받거나 임신, 수유, 항응고제, 항 혈소판제를 섭취하거나, 출혈 장애가 있는경우 담당 의사와 상담 후 섭취하세요. 직사광선이 닿지 않는 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관하세요. 어린이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하세요. 사용하기 전에 전체 라벨을 읽고 지침에 따르시기 바랍니다. 모든 제품은 미국 현지에서 직배송 됩니다. 제품설명 감마 E, 토코페놀, 토코트리에놀이 함유된 제품입니다. 비타민 E 계열의 두 가지 성분 인 토코페롤과 토코트리에놀을 제공합니다. 토코트리에놀은 동맥 건강 유지에 탁월한 작용합니다. 또한 토코트리에놀은 강력한 신경 보호 능력을 개선하며, 특히 알파-토코트리에놀은 가장 강력한 신경 보호 형태의 비타민 E로 유명합니다. 알파, 베타, 감마 및 델타 하위 군집의 최적의 양과 비율을 제공합니다. 알파, 베타, 감마 및 델타 분획은 토코페롤 및 토코트리에놀 하위 군집의 각각 고유한 생물학적 효과를 지닙니다. 3가지 성분은 강력한 항산화 작용에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 비타민 E, 45 IU가 함유되어 있습니다. 비타민 E는 세포막 무결성 유지 및 세포 노화 감소에 도움을 줍니다. 또한 자유 라디칼을 제거하여 강력한 항산화 효과를 줍니다. 건강한 혈소판 응집을 유지하고, 건강한 신경계와 눈의 망막을 촉진합니다. 면역력 향상에 도움이 될 수있습니다. NON-GMO 제품입니다. 제품 영문 설명 LifeExtension® Gamma E Complete Vitamin E Dietary Supplement 60 Softgels Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienols is an oral formula that provides a full spectrum vitamin E for potent antioxidant protection. The term "vitamin E" refers to a family of eight related, lipid-soluble, antioxidant compounds widely present in plants. The tocopherol and tocotrienol subfamilies are each composed of alpha, beta, gamma, and delta fractions having unique biological effects. Gamma E Mixed Tocopherols & Tocotrienols contains the complete spectrum of all eight vitamin E tocopherol and tocotrienol forms. Benefits at a Glance • Full spectrum vitamin E The term "vitamin E" refers to a family of eight related, lipid-soluble, antioxidant compounds widely present in plants. The tocopherol and tocotrienol subfamilies are each composed of alpha, beta, gamma, and delta fractions having unique biological effects. Different ratios of these compounds are found in different parts of a plant. For example, the green parts of a plant contain mostly alpha tocopherol and the seed germ and bran contain mostly tocotrienols. Along with other nutrients, tocopherols and tocotrienols are concentrated in the bran layers of the rye grain, and are only present at low levels in the flour endosperm. Tocopherols are also present in algae, mint teas, and other foods. Vitamin E Provides Potent Antioxidant Benefits As a family of antioxidant compounds, vitamin E is one of the most researched and most important nutrients to consume daily. One or more members of the vitamin E family may: • Maintain cell membrane integrity and reduce cellular aging Gamma Tocopherol is Critically Important Prestigious scientific journals have highlighted gamma tocopherol as one of the most critically important forms of vitamin E for those seeking optimal health benefits. In fact, studies show the combination of alpha- and gamma-tocopherol supplementation appears to be superior to either supplementation alone on biomarkers of oxidative stress and on inflammatory factors. Most commercial vitamin E supplements contain little, if any, gamma tocopherol. They instead rely on alpha tocopherol as the primary ingredient. However, it is gamma tocopherol (not the alpha form) that quenches peroxynitrite, the free radical that plays a major role in the development of age-related decline. Tocotrienols Support Arteries and Nerves Tocotrienols have shown superior action in maintaining arterial health. In 2010, a team of Asian scientists demonstrated that this class of nutrients, which are difficult to obtain in sufficient quantities through dietary sources alone, may provide superior support in maintaining triglyceride levels already within healthy range in aging individuals. Just 120 mg per day of gamma-delta tocotrienols (provided in 3-4 softgels) induced a 28% decline in triglyceride levels in the blood after just one month. This wonder nutrient is so effective because of its structure of double bonds in the isoprenoid side chain, making it a great scavenger of free radicals. Research has shown that tocotrienols display potent neuroprotective properties and in particular alpha-tocotrienol is being touted as the most potent neuroprotective form of vitamin E.
The natural separation of active ingredients may occur. CAUTION: If you are taking anti-coagulant or anti-platelet medications, or have a bleeding disorder, consult your healthcare provider before taking this product. WARNINGS: • KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. ^ Typical distribution: gamma tocopherol 178-244 mg; delta tocopherol 65-98 mg; alpha tocopherol 27-39 mg; beta tocopherol < 16 mg Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place. Read the entire label and follow the directions carefully prior to use. DIRECTIONS: Take one (1) softgel once or twice daily with food, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner. Other ingredients: Gelatin, glycerin, medium chain triglycerides oil, purified water, sunflower oil, rosemary extract. Non-GMO 성분표(영문)
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