[Indigo Wild] 인디고 와일드줌 페이스 젠틀 페이셜 토너, 118 mlZum Face Gentle Facial Toner, 4 fl oz

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Indigo Wild

한글 제품명

줌 페이스 젠틀 페이셜 토너, 118 ml

영문 제품명

Zum Face Gentle Facial Toner, 4 fl oz


4 fl oz


[Indigo Wild] 인디고 와일드


클렌징 후 화장솜에 적당량을 묻혀 닦아주세요.

사용 전 잘 흔들어 주세요. 


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눈과의 직접적인 접촉을 피하세요.

직사광선이 닿지 않는 서늘하고 건조한 곳에 보관하세요.

어린이의 손이 닿지 않는 곳에 보관하세요.

사용하기 전에 전체 라벨을 읽고 지침에 따르시기 바랍니다. 

모든 제품은 미국 현지에서 직배송 됩니다.


로즈마리와 마쉬멜로우, 카모마일 성분이 피부 진정 과 모공축소에 도움이 됩니다.

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피부 불순물을 줄여주면서 수분감을 유지 해줍니다. 

파라벤, 석유 부산물, 인공향, 인공색소, 설파테, BHT, BHA, 알루미늄 클로로하이드레이트 무첨가 

위치하젤, 유기농 알로에 베라잎 주스, 퓨어에센셜 오일, 유기농 로즈마리 추출물, 카모마일 등 함유 

제품 영문 설명


gentle facial

made with lemon and
geranium pure essential oils

4 fl. oz.

Rejuvenate pores with a cocktail of fresh-picked botanical essences. It's toning liquid flower power soothes both mental and physical symptoms of stress. After cleansing, use a cotton ball to gently apply to skin. You'll dissolve any last traces of impurities without stripping precious natural moisture.

Plant-based, paraben-free beauty, is there anything better? Zum Face Gentle Facial Toner contains only what you need and nothing you don't (as in, none of the usual suspects that muddy up your regular skin care routine), setting a clear and balanced base for moisturizers, serums, makeup, or whatever else your regimen entails. Unlike typical toners, this one's enhanced with nourishing, hydrating ingredients so it doesn't leave your skin dried out post-facto. Instead, it leaves it totally clean, supple, and fully moisturized.
Check out our facial toner ingredients for a little inside-scoop on how we help give your skin an about-face. This toner refreshes with overtones of aloe vera extract and witch hazel and undertones of chamomile, rosemary, and lemon. It's especially good for all skin types even those with a 2 o'clock sheen, so go ahead and give it a dab. Kiss clogged pores goodnight with our gentle facial toner and take hydration to a completely new level as an encore to the Facial Cleanser and Cleansing Bar from Indigo Wild.

• Essential oils
• Natural ingredients
• Post-cleansing base for better hydration retention




Shake before using.


After cleansing, use a cotton ball to gently apply to skin.


witch hazel distillate, aloe juice*, alcohol, glycerin (vegetable), essential oils, and extracts of chamomile*, althea* (marshmallow) and rosemary.*
Contains NO chemical emulsifiers, shake before using.

* Certified Organic Ingredients

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